Top Left: AL HELD, PL 49, 1960, India ink on paper, 22-5/8 x 35 inches
Bottom Left: ROBERT MOTHERWELL, Drunk with Turpentine #14, 1979, Oil and oil stain on board, 19-1/2 x 15-1/2 inches
Top Middle: JOSEF ALBERS, WLS VIII, 1966, Portfolio of 8 three-color aluminum plate lithographs on handcut Arches Cover paper, 20 1/2 x 20 1/2 inches, Edition of 125
Bottom Middle: NICOLAS CARONE, Cadenza, 2008, Acrylic on canvas, 58 x 71 inches
Top Right: DAVID ROW, Axis 1, 2018, Oil on panel, 16 x 23 inches and Axis 2, 2018, Oil on panel, 16 x 23 inches
Bottom Right: GEORGE SUGARMAN, Untitled, 1995, Acrylic on aluminum, 23 x 16 x 27 inches

Suzanne Tick, Lauren Rottet, and Loretta Howard

Installation view of salon wall

Silent Welcome, 1987 - 88
Acrylic on aluminum
28 x 16 x 14 inches

TOP: DAVID ROW, Axis 1, 2018, Oil on panel, 16 x 23 inches
Bottom: DAVID ROW, Axis 2, 2018, Oil on panel, 16 x 23 inches

Untitled, 1964
Silkscreen on white wove paper
24 x 20 inches
Edition of 500

GEORGE SUGARMAN, Untitled (for Spain), 1990 Acrylic on aluminum, 25 x 10 x 9 1/2 inches

High Spirit, 2008
Acrylic on tarpaulin
30 x 40 inches